ჩაბარების ვადა:

6 აგვისტო 2021, 11:00



T10322 - 120 kW Commercial Diesel powered generator and installation for auto-electrical power back-up for professional office, Tbilisi Georgia 

Tender Description:

120 kW Commercial Diesel powered generator and installation for auto-electrical power back-up for professional office, Tbilisi Georgia 

Peace Corps is soliciting fixed-price quotations from companies for the services detailed above. If you are interested in submitting a quotation, please do so by sending your completed Quotation/Bid (See E. below) by e-mail to: ge-DMO@peacecorps.gov

Quotations/Bids are due no later than 11:00 am, on Friday 6-August-2021. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

Written questions about this Request for Quotation (RFQ) may be sent to the email address noted above in advance of the RFQ due date. No phone calls please. 

Peace Corps will evaluate all quotations received by the deadline based on the minimum requirements and/or evaluation factor(s) shown below. Contingent on the availability of funds and continued need for the supplies and/or services, at the end of the evaluation process, Peace Corps intends to award a firm-fixed-price contract for the purchase of the required supplies and/or services to the selected vendor. 

Statement of Work – see below.

Place of Performance [and required work or delivery schedule]

Location of work:

  • Preparation of equipment: Contractor’s office.
  • Consultations and installation: To take place on-site at Peace Corps
    Georgia’s office in Tbilisi Georgia.

Timeline of Project: 16 August to 29-October 2021

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 31100000 ელექტროძრავები, გენერატორები და ტრანსფორმატორები