ჩაბარების ვადა:
22 ოქტომბერი 2021, 18:00
დასრულებულიT10853 - Sheraton Grand Tbilisi Metechi Palace meeting room and terrace renovation
Tender Description:
Sheraton Grand Tbilisi Metechi Palace meeting room and terrace renovation.
- Shop drawings needs to be provided.
- Quality and brand of materials or equipment’s needs to be hospitality use, attached are existing systems with components.
- Terrace and room are located at 10th floor.
- Any material or equipment will require approval, prior delivery, or installation.
- Any activities will require proper planning and approval with hotel operators.
- Proper barricades, wall, floor, or ceiling closure to be made to eliminate any damages of exiting installation.
- New space needs to be fulfilled with local and NFPA regulations, any additional requirement to be added as require.
- All installation need to meet 5 start hotel requirement.
Fit Out:
- Existing walls, studs and ceiling needs to be demolished as per design.
- Remaining walls to be checked and investigate to be reused or not.
- Existing doors to be reused and relocated and per new design.
- Ceiling to be adjusted as required MEP components, remaining to be plastered and repainted.
- New ceiling mesh to be installed as designed, ceiling studs to be modified as required.
- Water and sewage piping will require core drilling to connect to existing system. during core drilling or any activities special barricades will be required to be done, walls, ceiling, and floor to be covered to eliminate any damages. Core drilling to be filled with fire rated materials.
- Any RC wall or floor cut out needs to be approved by structural engineer.
- New walls need to be done with double gypsum boards, studs need to done not more than 60 cm distance, wall needs to fill with isolation materials, quality of materials to be used Knauf or equal.
- Timber floor to be used everywhere except terrace, terrace floors and walls will be with travertine stones.
Any connection existing system will require coordination with hotel maintenance team.
- Duct to be extended as required for new location of grills.
- Flashing to be done with new pipes and chemical treatment to be applied.
- Cabling needs to be changed as require, low smoke halogen free cables to be used.
- Fire alarm system to be reused and FAP to be reprogrammed as shown in BOQ.
- Public address system to be extended, new speaker to be installed and system to be reprogrammed.
- New AV system speakers to be added as required.
Contractor needs to represent following minimum staff all the time during renovation activities:
- Safety representative.
- Foreman.
- MEP engineer.
- Skilled workers.
The completed offers should be sent no later than 22.10.2021 at 18:00 p.m. (Tbilisi time) to the following email address: v.orbeladze@rakia.ge
Contact Information:
Valerian Orbeladze
Tel: 595 993 801
E-mail: v.orbeladze@rakia.ge
Please kindly review the detailed tender documentation in the attached files.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 71500000 მშენებლობასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები
- 45200000 მთლიანი ან ნაწილობრივი სამშენებლო სამუშაოები და სამოქალაქო მშენებლობის სამუშაოები
- 45300000 სამშენებლო-სამონტაჟო სამუშაოები
- 45400000 შენობის დასრულების სამუშაოები