ჩაბარების ვადა:
23 მაისი 2022, 18:00
დასრულებულიT13068 - Tender and inviting qualified suppliers to submit proposals for provision of Legal and Audit Services
Tender Description:
WWF Caucasus Programme Office (Id. Code 203845964) is announcing a tender and inviting qualified suppliers to submit proposals for provision of Legal and Audit Services.
The BID submitted by the Tender participant must be structured as per the below provided instructions:
- General Information about the Tender Participant - General information about the Bidder, the number of the staff, the number and qualification of staff engaged in completion of the request, provision of additional data (CVs)
- Description of the complete and on-going projects with the similar scope of services: the list and general information about the complete and on-going projects, and the list of major clients during the last 5 years;
- References – Minimum 3 Recommendation letters to be provided upon additional request;
- Proposed sub–contractors (if applicable) including company name, description of proposed role, and summary of qualifications.
- Proposal outlining scope supply – Description including detailed descriptions of scope and working process, exclusions, conditions;
Commercial Proposal - the prices shall be provided in GEL, the price rates shall include all costs related to service provision and taxes envisaged by Georgian Legislation.
The BID submission deadline is: 23 May, 2022 by 18:00 (Tbilisi Time).
The Tender Proposal shall be submitted to the following mail: procurement@wwfcaucasus.org
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 79100000 იურიდიული მომსახურებები
- 79200000 საბუღალტრო, აუდიტორული და ფისკალური მომსახურებები