10 ოქტომბერი 2022, 15:00
დასრულებულიT14448 - Framework Contract on Supply and Delivery of Spare Parts with Provision of Ancillary Services and random tire service to the EUMM Georgia Vehicle Fleet
Tender Description:
This is to inform you that the European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) published Framework Contract on Supply and Delivery of Spare Parts with Provision of Ancillary Services and random tire service to the EUMM Georgia Vehicle Fleet.
The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) intends to award a Framework Contract on Supply and Delivery of Spare Parts with Provision of Ancillary Services and random tire service to the EUMM Georgia Vehicle Fleet. The tender dossier is available from https://www.eumm.eu/en/about_eumm/tenders
The deadline for submission of tenders is 10 October 2022 at 15:00 hrs Georgia Standard Time.
Tenders must be sent to the contracting authority before the deadline in electronic form to the following e-mail address: tenders@EUMM.EU
Tenderers may submit questions in writing up to 21 days before the deadline for submitting tenders to the following e-mail address: tenders@EUMM.EU
Any clarification/corrigendum of the tender dossier will be published by the Contracting Authority on EUMM Georgia website (https://www.eumm.eu/en/about_eumm/tenders) at the latest 8 days before the deadline for submitting tenders.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 34300000 ნაწილები და აქსესუარები სატრანსპორტო საშუალებებისა და მათი ძრავებისათვის