30 სექტემბერი 2022, 23:59
დასრულებულიT14659 - ტენდერი ინდივიდუალური სახლის მშენებლობაზე სოფ. ძევერაში შიდა ქართლის რეგიონი
Tender Description:
Invitation to Works Tender #RFQ-GEO-004291
Completion of half-finished 14 individual houses for IDP families in Gori Municipality, village Dzevera, Shida Kartli Region.
Date: September 16, 2022
To: Local companies legally registered in Georgia
Subject of the tender: Completion of the construction activities for 14 individual houses for IDP families in Gori Municipality
Deadline of Bid submission: September 30, at 24:00 Tbilisi Time
For more information about the DRC operation in Georgia visit our online platforms: https://drc.ngo/where-we-work/europe/georgia
Important Note for submission of Bids to DRC:
In accordance with the provided Tender Guidelines, the following documents must be submitted to DRC:
- The attached Works (Construction) Tender Forms must be completed and submitted in accordance with the instructions outlined in the Tender package (Section 5, Standard Form A Contractor’s bid and Standard Form B Qualification Information). Submission of full set of Works (Construction) Tender Form is required.
- For any other mandatory documents required to be completed and submitted by bidders in addition to Works (Construction) Tender Forms, please refer to Section 2, BIDDING DATA (Clause 9.0)
The Bid must be submitted in 2 sealed inner envelopes marked as ORIGINAL and COPIES (one original and one copy) and those two inner envelopes will be put in one outer envelope as per the Article 14 of Tender Form. All envelopes must show the title of the company (Name, Address) submitting the bid, and the Tender Invitation Number: RFQ-GEO-004291
It is acceptable to receive the whole tender package from bidders by electronic mail: tender.geo@drc.ngo Please indicate the following title in the subject line of the email: RFQ-GEO-004291 completion of half-finished 14 individual houses for IDP families in Gori Municipality, village Dzevera, Shida Kartli Region.
When e-submission of the bids and BoQs please note that no e-mails be opened until the Tender Opening date.
The deadline for receipt of the bid is September 30, 2021, 24:00 Tbilisi Time at the following addresses: DRC head office - 37D Chavchavadze Avenue, Block III, Floor I, Tbilisi, Georgia;
Any Bid received by the DRC after the deadline prescribed in Clause 15 will be returned unopened to the Bidder.
Administrative Evaluation:
- All requested mandatory documents are provided (See Tender Package, Section 2 BIDDING DATA Clause 9, Point 2); Section 5 Standard Form A Contractor’s bid and Standard form B Qualification requirement is filled precisely, accurately and as per the instructions given in the Tender package. Tender submission rules are observed and followed as per the Section 1 Instruction to Bidder (ITB)
- All additionally required documents are provided as outlined in the Tender package (Section 2, BIDDING DATA, Clause 9)
Only Successful bidders after Administrative Evaluation will be proceeded for technical and financial evaluation.
Technical Evaluation criteria:
- Technical proposal: timeframe (Annex 3) – 30%
- Technical Resource availability (machinery - it is ESSENTIAL at a minimum to provide the machinery and equipment (owned, leased (from whom) or to be purchased (from whom)), stated in the Tender Package Section 2 BIDDING DATA Clause 2.2C, materials, human resources, technical key staff, management - please provide the complete list of all machineries and equipment for performing the construction activities and complete list of the staff with the indication of their positions in the Standard Form B Qualification Information Section 1.3 and 1.4 of the Tender Package File) – 35%
- Proved Relevant performance of company in construction/renovation activity last 3 years (2018, 2019, 2020). This explicitly requires 2 dated letters of recommendations issued over the past three years, and a full list of projects/construction works (Standard Form B Qualification Information Section 1.2 of the Tender Package File) financed by the national or international donors and implemented by the company over the past three years to demonstrate quality. DRC might require the visit of the listed sites -35%
- The technical evaluation will be performed for each criteria based on the 10-point rating system where 10 means significantly above requirements and 1 – does not meet requirement. The bidders need to have a minimum of average 5 to pass the technical evaluation.
Financial Evaluation Criteria
Bill of Quantities – signed and stamped Bill of Quantities as per attached Section 8 form.
- The Bidders that passed to the Financial Evaluation stage will be asked in addition to the requirement procedures of submission of bids as per the Section 1 Instruction to Bidders (ITB), to submit to tender.geo@drc.ngo the electronic versions of BoQs in excel format during 24 hours after tender opening date.
- Please take thorough attention to already incorporated formulas in the attached BoQ forms and if some mechanical errors are discovered by bidder, please highlight, correct and comment before submission.
A Final Decision will be taken based on the results of technical & financial evaluations, following the principle of Best Value for Money while considering the above coefficients as well.
NB. Bidders should fill the ENGLISH version of Tender Forms provided in the Tender package solely in ENGLISH. Extracts from the National Agency of Public Register, Revenue Services and Bank Declarations can be provided in Georgian language.
Any questions in relation to the present Invitation to Works Tender shall be filled in the attached Tender Q&A form (Annex 4) and sent back to following e-mail address: ekaterine.basaria@drc.ngo
before September 27, 2022. Please indicate in the Subject field of the e-mail following: “Question on Tender # RFQ-GEO-004291 Completion of half-finished 14 individual houses for IDP families in Gori Municipality, village Dzevera, Shida Kartli Region.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 71500000 მშენებლობასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები
- 45100000 სამშენებლო უბნის მოსამზადებელი სამუშაოები
- 45200000 მთლიანი ან ნაწილობრივი სამშენებლო სამუშაოები და სამოქალაქო მშენებლობის სამუშაოები
- 45400000 შენობის დასრულების სამუშაოები