ჩაბარების ვადა:

10 მარტი 2023, 17:00



T16335 - Framework Contract for Ticketing and Transport services

Tender Description:

On behalf of the Federal Government of Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is active in the development of German-Georgian cooperation. 

We intend to award a contract to a locally registered company for the following services:

  • Travel Agency Services for airplane and train ticketing, the organisation of airport/train station transfers and the organisation of ground transportation by bus. 

Please see the attached Terms of Reference (Annex 3) for detailed information. 

Please submit your tender documents no later than 10.03.2023 17:00 o’clock to the following address: GIZ Tbilisi Office, Rustaveli 42 / Griboedov 31a 0108 Tbilisi, III floor. 

The Bid(s) must reach the specified address, before expiry of the submission deadline.
Bids are to be submitted using the two-envelope procedure; i.e. we request that you submit the prices offer and technical offer in two separate, sealed envelopes. Bids must be duly signed and stamped (if available). 

Details of our submission requirements are explained in this letter and in the requirements for application included with the procurement documents. Please note that this is an ‘open procedure’ and that there will therefore be no negotiations. 

Within the framework of the basic project described in the terms of reference, GIZ reserves the right to award contracts for additional services of a comparable scope to the successful tenderer in this procedure by means of a limited invitation to tender without a competitive tender or to enter into a follow-on contract pursuant to the criteria listed in the terms of reference and the other procurement documents. 

The envelope containing:

  • Technical Offer
  • Price Offer

Please submit your tender in English in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the procurement documents. 

Deadline for submission of questions: 08.03.2023 23:59
Please raise any commercial, technical or procedural questions promptly, and no later than the deadline for submission of queries specified on above. Questions can only be submitted electronically, using Question and Answer module on a tender platform tenders.ge. Non-compliance may result in your tender not being considered. 

Our requirements for application and other procurement documents, which are listed in the annex below, also apply. 

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 79900000 სხვადასხვა კომერციული მომსახურება და მასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები
  • 63500000 ტურისტული სააგენტოების, ტუროპერატორებისა და ტურისტების დახმარების მომსახურებები