ჩაბარების ვადა:

23 აპრილი 2024, 18:00



T21771 - ტენდერი კლიმატის ცვლილების მიმართ მდგრადი სოფლის მეურნეობა - PRAISE Marneuli”, საბოლოო, გარე შეფასებაზე

Tender Description:

The overall objective of the HEKS-EPER funded project (2021 – 2024) - Promoting Climate Resilient Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods in Multi-ethnic Marneuli Municipality (PRAISE MARNEULI) is to support income generation opportunities and sustainable economic growth in favour of the vulnerable population in Marneuli Municipality via inclusion, capacity building and introduction of climate resilient agricultural (CRA) practices.

The project’s work and activities focus on supporting income generation opportunities for residents in Marneuli municipality, specifically vulnerable groups (women, youth, and ethnic minorities) via the integration and promotion of climate resilient and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

By working with different target groups, such as farmers, local civil society representatives, local government members, women, and active young girls, the action builds on three outcomes to achieve the goal:

  • Outcome 1: Mechanisms are established for implementing climate-resilient agricultural practices on the municipality level.
  • Outcome 2: Community institutions and local stakeholders are empowered and have the capacity to apply climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) practices and implement the Human Right Based Approach (HRBA).
  • Outcome 3: Income generation opportunities are created, and quality of life is improved by financing and implementation of climate-resilient agriculture initiatives (sub-grants)

Full Information see in the attached files.

Please send any questions as well as your complete offer (1. CVs in a separate PDF and 2. All other requiested documentation) to the following email addresses:

jimsher.koshadze@cenn.org and sopiko.babalashvili@cenn.org no later than April 23, 18:00 Tbilisi time.

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 77100000 სოფლის მეურნეობასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები
  • 73100000 მომსახურებები კვლევისა და ექსპერიმენტული განვითარების სფეროში
  • 90700000 მომსახურებები ეკოლოგიის სფეროში