6 თებერვალი 2025, 23:59
დასრულებულიT25104 - Provision of Neighbourhood Concept for Zugdidi Urban Laboratory
Tender Description:
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) GCF and SDC has commissioned us to implement the above project.
We intend to award a contract to a locally registered company or consortium for the following service: Provision of Neighbourhood Concept for Zugdidi Urban Laboratory.
Please see the attached Terms of Reference (Annex 1) for detailed information.
Should you be interested in implementing the tasks according the Terms of Reference (Annex 1), we request you to submit a bid via e- mail to arrive at the GIZ no later than 09.02.2025 23:59 o’clock. Please address your bid exclusively to the following E-mail: ge_quotation@giz.de
The offer shall be submitted in English.
Offers submitted after the submission deadline will not be considered. Bids must be submitted in GEL (national currency), bids in other currencies will not be accepted.
Please consider that, since May 2013 according to the Art. 172, para. 5 of the Tax Code of Georgia GIZ enjoys tax exemption. (VAT, excise duty, import tax). Thus, the offered price should not include the given taxes, and this should be indicated in the offer
Details of our submission requirements are explained in this letter and in the requirements for application included with the procurement documents. Please note that this is an ‘open procedure’ and that there will therefore be no negotiations.
You are requested to comply with the following requirements when submitting offers electronically:
- Bids must be submitted in PDF-format.
- The financial and technical offer must be saved in separate PDF files. The files should be named as follows: 1. Technical offer; 2. Financial offer
- Following tender number must be indicated in the subject line of the e-mail: 83481531 Otherwise, your bid can not be identified.
- Any bids that are submitted to other GIZ email accounts will be excluded from the contract award procedure.
- The size of emails for quotation is limited to 20 MB. In case the offer exceeds the maximum data size, offer documents must be sent via following web-site: https://filetransfer.giz.de/Start?2 . GIZ accepts only this specific file transfer solution for submission of documents exceeding the default mail size.
- GIZ is not responsible for the failure of electronic delivery of e-mail messages to the address provided, either for technological problems on the part of GIZ or the candidate
Following information must be indicated in the offer:
- Name of the company
- TaxID
- Address
- Contact information (phone, e-mail)
- Project number: 21.2140.8-001.00
- Tender Number: 83481531
- Addressed to: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 42, Rustaveli Ave. / 31a, Griboedov Street, 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia
Submitted proposals should be stamped (if available) and signed by the tenderer.
Deadline for submission of questions: 06.02.2025 23:59
Please raise any commercial, technical or procedural questions promptly, and no later than the deadline for submission of queries specified on above. Questions can only be submitted electronically, using tender platform tenders.ge The Questions & Answers module is available to all interested parties. Non-compliance may result in your tender not being considered.
In case of violation of the rules, your offer cannot be discussed.
The evaluation of the offers is scheduled to be completed by 15.02.2025. We will then contact only the selected candidate as soon as possible.
- General scheme of bid evaluation:
The offers received will be evaluated according to both prices and content.
After the technical evaluation (cf. Assessment Grid, Annex 2), the price offers of the bidders who have presented acceptable technical offers will be opened and evaluated.
The expenses that are made in accordance with the Terms of Reference must be clearly and detailed shown in the price offer.
- In the final overall assessment, the technical offer has a weighting of 70%, the price offer of 30%.
After that, the bidders are given a ranking number based on the evaluation results. Contract negotiations will be initiated with the candidate with the best scores. If the negotiations are unsuccessful, negotiations will be conducted with the candidate in 2nd place.
- Assessment Grid for the Technical Evaluation of Bids:
The technical offers should respond to the information given in Annex 1 (Terms of Reference). The technical offer may not include any price information.
Criteria for the evaluation of technical offer are divided according to the predetermined weight coefficient. (See Annex 2).
- General Conditions of Contract
- Please familiarize yourself with General Terms and Conditions of Contract (Annex 3). In the event of an award of contract, they will become an integral part of the contract.
- Grid for assessing the eligibility of consulting firms
The Company/consortium must provide proof of average annual turnover for the last three financial years; average number of staff; and proof of reference project according to the provided annex (See Annex 5)
The Company/consortium must fil in Self-declaration form (Annex 6)
- Terms of Reference (ToR)
- Assessment Grid for the Technical Evaluation of Bids
- General Conditions of Contract
- Price Schedule
- Grid for assessing the eligibility of consulting firms
- Self-declaration of eligibility
Additional Annexes providing available information for bidders:
- Memorandum of Understanding – Zugdidi Urban Lab
- Draft ToR of Zugdidi Urban Lab
- General Development Plan of City Zugdidi.
- Priority Document of Zugdidi Municipality
- Zugdidi Cultural Development Strategy
- Zugdidi City Public Transport line and Schedule
- Zugdidi MIP
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 79400000 ბიზნესსა და მენეჯმენტთან დაკავშირებული კონსულტაციები და მომსახურებები
- 71200000 არქიტექტურული და მასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები