9 ოქტომბერი 2018, 17:00
დასრულებულიT4352 - კონკურსი ინტერესის გამოხატვაზე - მოწყვლადი დევნილი და ადგილობრივი მოსახლეობის სოციალური ჩართულობის ხელშეწყობაზე სამხრეთ კავკასიაში
The component is implemented by GIZ on behalf of German Federal Government, especially of the Ministry for Economic cooperation and Development (BMZ) under the Special Initiative – Tackling the Root Causes of Displacement, Reintegrating Refugees (SI Displacement).
The programme “Economic and social participation of vulnerable displaced and local population in the South Caucasus - EPIC” has been implemented since December 2017 and has initially aimed at economic empowerment of the displaced and local populations by enhancing their employability and facilitating start-ups as well as business extension. The new component, focusing on the promotion of social participation of the target groups primarily in Azerbaijan and Georgia, will be added as of September 2018. Participation and empowerment of young people and women is one of the key cross-cutting issues of the component.
The programme serves the overall objective to improve economic and social participation of vulnerable displaced and local population in the South Caucasus. The objective is foreseen to be achieved through the following four components:
- Strengthening capacities of public actors to promote economic and social participation of vulnerable population, both displaced and local;
- Increasing employability of target groups with a special focus on women and youth;
- Improving business development opportunities to create income and employment potenctial
- Empowering displaced and local communities to stimulate social cohesion and engagement
The information session will be organized on 5 October 2018 for all interested organizations. The organizations may e-mail their questions until 2 October 2018. Anwers to the questions will be provided at the information session.
Please, send your questions and confirmation on the participation in the session by 2 October 2018 to magda.gurgenidze@giz.de
The EiO should cover the following information by chapters:
- Informationaboutanapplicantorganization/organizations(presenceintheregion, programs and priorities, beneficiaries, donors and funding)
- Overviewoftheproposedmeasures(objective,resultsandactivities) o Implementationstrategy/methodology
- Budget(annex)
The EoI must be submitted in electronic format to Maia Chkhenkeli, Programme Expert at: maia.chkhenkeli@giz.de and at the same time in copy to Magda Gurgenidze, Programme Assistant, magda.gurgenidze@giz.de by 9 October 2018.
For any questions or clarifications please, contact Maia Chkhenkeli at: maia.chkhenkeli@giz.de
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 73200000 კვლევასა და განვითარებასთან დაკავშირებული საკონსულტაციო მომსახურებები
- 73300000 კვლევისა და განვითარების დაპროექტება და განხორციელება
- 79300000 ბაზრის კვლევა და ეკონომიკური კვლევა; გამოკითხვები და სტატისტიკა