11 აპრილი 2019, 16:00
დასრულებულიT5152 - Tender for procurement of Office and Cafeteria Furniture
Tender description:
Since 2003 AE Solar provides superior services to the clients with own production of modules of 575 MW per year. AE Solar is proud that in 2017 we have reached the number 3000 in successful installation and commissioning of solar projects. AE Solar is convinced that providing world-class, outstanding, efficient, professional services and exceptional quality products are crucial to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. AE Solar’s know-how is based since the year 2003 in Renewable Energy industry. As a manufacture of solar panels and their components we make it possible to deliver our products globally. We offer a wide range of products portfolio from solar panels to complete system for private and commercial rooftop and ground mounted installations.
AE Solar LLC is pleased to announce the tender for procurement of Office and Cafeteria Furniture Interested Company should complete the following price list as described in the document attached to this communication.
Bidders should sign and stamped their bids and should provide their proposals electronically or deliver to the office in the envelope. The documents must be sent to: procurement@ae-solar.com or submitted in AE Solar office, Tbilisi, Saburtalo District, Lvovi Street, II, №13, no later than 11thApril (till 16:00 pm).
In case you apply through an email, you should send:
- Tender name
- Scanned copy of the signed and stamped bid form;
- Presentation of your organization.
In case you deliver a parcel to the office, it must include the following information:
- Tender name
- Company name
- Contact information of the person in charge
- Presentation of your organization.
Recipient name: David Kasradze
For any information needed please contact: procurement@ae-solar.com | 599 559314
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 39100000 ავეჯი