19 აპრილი 2019, 18:00
დასრულებულიT5163 - Online Platform/Content Development
Tender Description:
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Representation in South Caucasus under the Project Increased livelihoods opportunities and improved resilience for returnees and host communities in South East Abkhazia through sustainable, innovative and effective partnerships implemented with the support of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) invites all legally registered companies in Georgia to participate in tendering for the supply of the Services - Online Platform/Content Development - to facilitate the upgrading of existing online web-site and produce 15 educational videos.
Please submit your bid(s) for the supply of the above-mentioned services as per the attached Invitation to Bid (ITB) package in compliance with the Instructions and Conditions stipulated thereafter.
This ITB package contains the following:
- Annex A ITB Invitation to Bid - Instructions and Conditions for Invitation to Bid
- Annex A 1. Technical Bid form (proposal if deemed necessary)
- Annex A 2. Financial Bid form (in addition detailed Budget)
- Annex B Tender and Contract Award Acknowledgment Certificate
- Annex C Supplier Profile Registration Form
- Annex D Supplier Code of Conduct
- Annex E DRC General Conditions for Service Contracts
- Annex F Statement of Work (SoW)
The Bid(s) must be submitted by mail on in hand delivery in a sealed envelope (the envelope must show the title of the company submitting the bid(s) and the ITB Number: GEO-TBS-001- Online Platform/Content Development.
The deadline for receipt of the bid(s) 19th April 2019, 18:00
The address where bids need to be delivered: Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue, 37D, Block III, I floor Tbilisi, Georgia
Any Bids received with delay will not be considered.
If you have any questions related specifically to ITB, you can submit your questions by e-mail only to procurement@drc-sc.org before 15th April 2019, 18:00
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 92100000 კინოდა ვიდეომომსახურებები
- 22400000 მარკები, ჩეკების წიგნაკები, ბანკნოტები, აქციები, სარეკლამო მასალა, კატალოგები და სახელმძღვანელოები