23 მაისი 2014, 18:00
დასრულებულიT67 - კონკურსი სოციალური სარეკლამო რგოლების დამზადებაზე
Overview : UN Women Country Office in Georgia is soliciting proposals for provision of services to produce Public Service Announcements (PSAs).
Please find enclosed attachment.
Proposals comprising of (1) technical proposal and (2) price schedule/financial proposal, in separate sealed envelopes, marked with “RFP for provision of services to produce Public Service Announcements (PSAs)” should reach the UN Women Georgia office no later than May 23, 2014, 18.00 (Tbilisi time) at:
UN Women Georgia
#3 Kavsadze St, Office Suite 11, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Attention: UN Women Country Representative in Georgia.
Contact person for clarifications:
Khatuna Kunchulia, khatuna.kunchulia@unwomen.org