6 ივლისი 2020, 16:00
დასრულებულიT7060 - Production of animation videos on anti-begging information campaign
Tender Description:
Production of animation videos on anti-begging information campaign.
IOM-Mission to Georgia invites Service suppliers for production of animation videos on anti-begging information campaign of IOM’s regional counter-trafficking project. Please consider the below Terms of Reference for this exercise and notify IOM of your interest and ability to participate latest by July 06, 2020, 16:00.
- IOM works in partnership with governments, the United Nations, international and non-governmental organizations, the private sector and development partners on all aspects of counter-trafficking responses – prevention, protection, and prosecution.
- Through information campaigns and outreach, IOM seeks to equip vulnerable populations with the information they need to migrate safely and access assistance when necessary. IOM also aims to address the root causes of vulnerability to trafficking through programming at the household, community, and structural levels.
- IOM provides protection and assistance to victims of trafficking. Ensuring freedom and a chance at a new life, IOM’s assistance can include safe accommodation, medical and psychosocial support, and assisted voluntary return and reintegration.
- In addition to its country-level programming, IOM employs an emergency support mechanism, the Global Assistance Fund, which, since its establishment in 2000, has helped 2,700 victims of trafficking and other migrants vulnerable to violence, exploitation and abuse.
- IOM in Georgia carried out a research on the occurrence of child exploitation in Georgia in 2019 to contribute strengthening the capacities of Georgian law enforcement agencies to combat trafficking in children and enhance coordination with social workers for the protection of trafficked children and other vulnerable minors (Full report can be found here https://georgia.iom.int/news/iom-has-released-report-child-exploitation-georgia)
- During the research IOM came across into the following categories of child exploitation in Georgia: 1) Begging of children 2) Sexual exploitation of minors 3) Labour exploitation of minors in the forms of domestic servitude, collection of scrap metal, labour migration to Turkey and street vending.
- The phenomenon of children living and working in the streets is particularly visible in the summer season. According to child-care workers and NGOs interviewed, families with children travel from all over Georgia to Adjara and other touristic places to engage in begging. Unlike most local children begging on the street, children coming from other provinces often have no place to spend the night and sleep on the street.
- Over the past few years, Georgian law enforcement has made some headway in investigating trafficking in children for begging by arresting parents or relatives of children who they forced to beg in the street. However, there is stilllot to be done in terms of child protection and raising awareness of broad public and understanding phenomenon of child begging in Georgia.
- IOM is announcing a call for scenarios and clip development to raise awareness on issue of children living and working in the streets. The main message is that the danger is invisible at first. Every day we see begging children in the streets, but usually we just ignore them. This is perceived as a norm in our society. We see them in metro, in pedestrian tunnels, in the streets. We either give them money or express zero emotion and become indifferent. By giving money to children living and working in the streets we might be supporting criminals, standing behind them. We are blind to see the reality that is hidden behind these children.
- You may watch this video as an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qw1GLHpuZc and learn more about IOM Georgia’s activities on Georgia.iom.int
- IOM mission to Ukraine hold a thematic art installation and displayed in the heart of Kiev. IOM’s installation was represented by a large black cube, with a small hole in the middle of one side, looking through which one can see the silhouette of a begging child. However, having made a flash photo on their mobile device, the passers-by were able to see the situation in a different light – it became obvious that the child was under the vigilant supervision of the exploiter. Brief information about child begging problem was also provided, as well as the suggested algorithm of actions when identifying a begging child, and main resources of counter-trafficking information for Ukraine. Key messages of the campaign were formulated as following: “If you see a child begging alone or accompanied by an adult, call the police, tell about the incident, describe the child and accompanying adult. Wait for the police if you can,” “Your money will not help these children, but only enrich those who steal their childhood!”.
- More information about the campaign will be found here: https://www.iom.int/news/see-child-begging-call-police-un-migration-agency-calls-ukrainians-fight-child-exploitation
- This campaign can be used as a good illustration that the clip should carry.
- IOM would like to produce two animation videos: teaser (duration: 30 seconds) and longer clip (duration: 3-5 minutes). It can be either with voice or with subtitles. Guidelines related to the content of the video and main messages will be provided by IOM Georgia. IOM is looking forward to receiving scenario and actual description of the video in drawings.
For any questions, please contact Ana Kakusadze, IOM National Officer, email: akakushadze@iom.int; cell: 599 149 429 or Mariam Tokmazishvili email: mtokmazishvi@iom.int, cell: 577414312
Please submit your best quotation for the services listed above,
All prices to be quoted without VAT and must be valid at least within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of quotation.
Kindly send an advance copy of your duly signed quotation by hand delivery or via email momiadze@iom.int latest by July 06, 2020, 16:00 You may send the original copy of your quotation to the following address:
- The International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission to Georgia
- 12, Tengiz Abuladze 1st Lane 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia
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