20 ოქტომბერი 2020, 23:59
დასრულებულიT7858 - Provision of the business development trainings to the selected Social Enterprises in Georgia
Tender Description:
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is inviting legally registered qualified companies to participate Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Supply of the Services: Provision of the business development Trainings to the selected Social Enterprises in Georgia. The service aims to empower the existing businesses by improving the local capacity of social entrepreneurship and enhance the business management skills of the entrepreneurs.
The main DRC donors in Georgia in 2020 are the German Bank of Reconstruction and Development KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau), GIZ and the European Union.
The programs mainly focus on the following core sectors of intervention in line with DRC mandate to provide durable solutions to the displaced in Georgia:
- Livelihoods (self-reliance, small-business and SME development, Social enterprise development, work placement etc)
- Shelter and small-scale infrastructure (construction and rehabilitations work)
- Access to education and community services
- Access to rights and basic freedoms/protection (legal aid assistance)
- Capacity-building and technical assistance to duty bearers at central and regional level
Please note that this RFQ issued for the Purchase (Framework) Agreement which will need to be valid for one year with possible extension. The Offered Prices should be FIXED at minimum for 1 (One) Year. Please, Indicate Price in EUR( GROSS)- including all relevant costs (TAX, transportation, accommodation, etc).
The Quotation requested in the attached RFQ form is for the comparison purposes to able the Procurement Committee of DRC to evaluate the bidders and identify the winner by considering the main procurement principle - the best value for money.
Only Bids passed the administrative evaluation stage, will be evaluated technically and then financially.
For the above mentioned service, please submit the following documents to DRC via email at RFQ.GEO.ZUG@drc.ngo no later than the deadline: 20 October, 24:00 pm
- Filled, signed and stamped attached RFQ form.
- Filled, signed and stumped Supplier Profile Registration Form;
- Stamped and Signed Supplier Code of Conduct;
- Syllabus of trainings.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 80500000 სატრენინგო მომსახურებები