10 მარტი 2021, 18:00
ელ. ტენდერი
T8875 - Bonus system review
Tender Description:
Diplomat Georgia announces tender for the procurement of the following service: Bonus system review.
Diplomat Georgia is a part of Diplomat Group - an international distribution company. Diplomat began operations in Georgia in 2008 and has become one of the largest and most advanced distribution companies for fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and food brands in the market. Diplomat offers a diverse global and local portfolio, countrywide coverage and strong sales competence.
Diplomat Georgia has been operating a mixed pay system for years for many positions in the Sales and other departments. Employees receive fixed (monthly) and variable (monthly or quarterly bonus) compensation and currently intends to revise the bonus system.
Goal of the assignment:
Diplomat Georgia seeks to procure consultancy services whereby, based on the analysis of the current bonus system in the sales function, recommendations for new (revised) system shall be proposed. More specifically, we expect the consultant to analyze the current bonus mechanism, its components and weights and develop recommendations for improving the system to meet the company objectives in a more effective and efficient way that best serves its motivational purpose. Recommendations need to be data based; the consultant will be expected to request analysis of the past data (Diplomat Georgia team will analyze the data and provide the necessary information).
In the new bonus system, each component needs to be evaluated in terms of their reachability and contribution in the final bonus compensation. Based on understanding of the company goals and objectives, internal equity considerations the consultant is expected to propose needed changes or amendments. Recommendations need to be made considering individual and team effort contributions, as well as variable and fixed pay component contributions.
Main deliverables:
- Current sales bonus system overview
- New bonus system description and explanation of the rationale for changes
Project time line: April – May, 2021.
Expected level of effort: 10 -15 man/days total (can be completed by a single consultant or split among two or more)
Tender Submission details:
- Individuals, as well as organizations, can submit proposals, which need to be sent as PDF files to the Tenders web site: www.tenders.ge
- The deadline for submission is March 10, 2021.
- Proposals should include a letter of interest and a budget proposal inclusive of VAT. CVs of the consultants who will be involved in the project should be attached and should include the list of projects of the similar scope and magnitude.
- Minimum two reference names with respective contact information should be provided for each consultant.
- Selected candidates will be asked to present their experience, their understating of the project, methodology and approach to the company management.
- The selection process may include an additional stage, to be decided later.
- Questions can be sent to Tenders web site: www.tenders.ge latest 5 days prior to submission deadline.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 73200000 კვლევასა და განვითარებასთან დაკავშირებული საკონსულტაციო მომსახურებები