ჩაბარების ვადა:

30 ივლისი 2021, 17:00



T10196 - Supply and delivery of Electrical Equipment System and Parts

გთხოვთ გაითვალისწინოთ რომ სატენდერო დოკუმენტაციაში განხორციელდა ცვლილება. ტენდერის ჩაბარების ბოლო ვადაა 30 ივლისი, 17:00 საათი.


Project: SAFE – Integrated Border Management
Supply and delivery of Electrical Equipment System and Parts for MIA Border Police of Georgia
Ref. No.: INV-4200102747-10
Date: 13.07.2021

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1951 and is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits both migrants and society. 

In the framework of the project “SAFE – Integrated Border Management”, the IOM invites interested eligible Suppliers to submit Quotations for the Supply and delivery of Electrical Equipment System and Parts for MIA Border Police of Georgia:

1 Electrical Power System

Description of the Goods/Services




Electrical (Power) distribution board
Recommended Brand: ELTEK micropack system
System is convection cooled, designed for less power hungry applications. Use as stand alone or in a flexible off the shelf configurable system.
Specifications: Cores qty: 4 positions / Max input voltage: 300VAC / Output voltage: 24VDC / Mounting: DIN rail mount




Rectifier Modules 24 VDC
Recommended Brand: ELTEK Micropack 24/240 WOR
Rectifier Module is a power supply for small power systems.
Specifications: Voltage: 85-300 VAC (Nominal 185 – 275 VAC) Linear output derating below 185VAC / Maximum Current: 1.2 Arms maximum at 230VAC at full load 1.3 Arms maximum at 85VAC and 100W load / Input Protection: Varistor for transient protection Mains fuse in both lines (2x 2.5A) Shut down above 300 VAC / DC Output Voltage: 24 VDC / Output Power: 240 W




Recommended Brand: ELTEK Compack Controller
The product is Monitoring and Control Unit ability to control via ethernet (SNMP, Web)
Specifications: Input Voltage: 9-75 VDC / Temperature Range: not less than-20 +60 C / MTBF: > 550, 000 hours / Control System: Output Voltage Measurement, Load Current Calculation, Energy Calculation o Load/Battery Disconnect, Real Time Clock with Battery Backup, Stored Site Text/ID and Messages, Output Voltage Measurement Position (long/lat) for auto placement, Generator start/stop control setup, Test of Relay Outputs, Alarm grouping of events for relay outputs, Boolean AND of alarm groups  / Data Logging: YES




Bulk Feed LVD
Recommended Brand: ELTEK Micropack Based
Specifications: Input Voltage: 12 V / Unprotected bulk output connections: 1 (Max 10 mm2 ) / Output Protection in rectifiers/converters: Blocking OR-ing FET or fuse, Short circuit proof and High temperature protection




Temp Sensor
Recommended Brand: ELTEK Micropack Based
Specifications: Temp Sensor: WIRE+TERM 1007 #26 RED+BLU L3000 70℃



See the complete tender documentation in the attached file.

The offered price of the Goods and services shall be quoted in EUR, VAT excluded.

A complete set of Request For Quotations (RFQ) documents may be received by forwarding the correspondent request on e-mail: momiadze@iom.int and iomtbilisi@iom.int in copy on 14 – 30 July 2021. The subject line of the request is given below:

INV 4200102747-10 – [vendor’s name] – request of the RFQ.

With this RFQ is the GIS which include the Instructions to Suppliers, Technical Specifications and administrative requirements that Suppliers will need to follow in order to prepare and submit their quotation for consideration by IOM. 

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation, and to cancel the procurement process and reject all quotations at any time prior to award of Purchase Order or Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Supplier/s or any obligation to inform the affected Supplier/s of the ground for IOM’s action.

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 31200000 ელექტროენერგიის გამანაწილებელი და საკონტროლო აპარატურა
  • 65300000 ელექტროენერგიის განაწილება და მასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები
  • 65400000 ენერგომომარაგების სხვა წყაროები და ელექტროენერგიის განაწილება