9 ივნისი 2014, 18:00
დასრულებულიT106 - კონკურსი წერილობითი თარგმანის მომსახურებაზე
Call for expressions of interest
Translation services in the Council of Europe field offices
The Council of Europe (CoE) is an intergovernmental organisation with 47 member countries and has its headquarters in Strasbourg (France). Founded on 5 May 1949, the CoE seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Further information is available at: http://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/call-for-tenders
The Council of Europe is seeking highly qualified, experienced and specialized translation service providers for the translation of documents relating to its cooperation and technical assistance activities in the field.
The services to be provided consist mainly of revised and reviewed translations, but may also include the revision and review of texts already translated, plus amendments to be translated, revised, reviewed and added to existing documents. The source texts will be written in one of the following source languages mentioned below and will be of varying length, urgency and nature.
For the purposes of implementing the contract, service providers may be required to use specific tools or to work on formats which are standard in the translation industry. They will be also required to pay due care to the lawful transfer of intellectual and industrial property rights.
Documents will have to be translated from Arabic, Armenian, Albanian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Moldovan, Montenegrin, Serbian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, French and/or English into Arabic, Armenian, Albanian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Moldovan, Montenegrin, Serbian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, French and/or English.
Tenderers may bid for one or more language combinations (lots) and must make a separate price offer for each. Tenders will be evaluated separately for each lot. If several lots are awarded to the same tenderer, a single contract covering all these lots will be signed. The Council of Europe reserves the right to accept the offers for only some of the lots applied for.
The aim of this tender is to constitute a list of qualified suppliers who would be called upon in order of priority.
If you or your company wishes to tender for one or all of the lots, to obtain the complete tender file please send an e-mail to: cdm@coe.int by mentioning the reference in the subject of the message: ref 2014AO27/TRANSLATION.
Your e-mail must reach us by 9 June 2014 and must include the following details: e-mail address, postal address and telephone number of the person(s) to contact.
The deadline for the submission of bids is 7 July 2014.
Pursuant to an award, all applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application.
The procurement for the contract will be conducted in accordance with the Council of Europe procedures as set out in tender documents and applicable internal legal instruments of the Council of Europe. No other procurement procedures will apply. In submitting this form, the Council of Europe does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe and its Protocols, and in particular Article 21 - Disputes - of the General Agreement.
Language in which tenders or requests to participate shall be drawn up - English.