ჩაბარების ვადა:
27 მარტი 2023, 18:00
დასრულებულიT16544 - Caupo Market Survey Georgia
Tender Description:
WWF Caucasus Programme Office (Id. Code 203845964) is announcing a tender and inviting qualified suppliers (hereinafter referred to as “BIDDER”) to submit proposals for provision of Market Survey in Georgia.
The BID submission deadline is: 27 March, 2023 by 18:00 (Tbilisi Time). The Tender Proposal shall be submitted to the following mail: procurement@wwfcaucasus.org
Scope of Work:
- In Georgia to conduct a full market research to identify potential corporate partnership and fundraising opportunities for WWF.
- Provide a pre-finalized draft version of the research for the detailed review, deliver an updated version of the research based on suggestions or additions on draft version.
- Deliver a final report of the market research, that includes the analysis of the corporate landscape in the country, the potential donors identified, and recommended strategy to engage with them.
- Provide the draft version of the engagement strategy.
Time frame:
The duration of the contract will be defined according to the work plan proposed by the Consultant, with a maximum duration of two (2) months between the execution of the consultancy until the testing and adjustment to the strategy.
- Start date: Mar 31, 2023
- First draft of the research report: Apr 30, 2023
- Final report with findings: May 11, 2023
- Engagement strategy draft: May 19, 2023
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 73200000 კვლევასა და განვითარებასთან დაკავშირებული საკონსულტაციო მომსახურებები