13 აპრილი 2023, 17:00
დასრულებულიT16846 - Hiking Festival Georgia
Tender Description:
The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) is implementing 4-year project “Green Economy: Sustainable Mountain Tourism & Organic Agriculture” (GRETA) with the financial support of European Commission, Sweden and Austrian Development Cooperation.
The GRETA project focuses on the support to Georgian small and medium enterprises in the fields of organic agriculture and sustainable mountain tourism to professionalize and scale up their services. The action also aims at facilitating an improvement of the business environment and the creation of new income opportunities in the two growth sectors.
The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) within the GRETA project is announcing CFP - Hiking Festival Georgia. The services to be performed and the results/outputs to be achieved under this service contract are summarized in the attached Terms of Reference.
Should you/your organization/company be interested in this assignment, we would invite you to provide us with your offer in English language. Your offer should contain:
- The TECHNICAL PROPOSAL should not exceed 20 pages and must include following documentation:
- Scenario and concept of the hiking festival;
- Company profile;
- Institutional Capacity and Past Performance;
- CV(s) and portfolios of the Personnel(s);
- Project Management Plan (Operational Plan, Team structure/roles and responsibilities, Timeframe, Reporting sample); - The Financial Proposal in EURO Gross excluding VAT:
- The financial proposal must be compliant with the budget template attached to the ToR. The bidders are requested to provide the financial proposal filling in the budget template attached to the ToR ONLY. Financial proposal not compliant with the budget template will be rejected.
- Organization Identification Number.
You can check the VAT exemption status effective within Georgia at RS.GE (ID: 205305560)
Questions for clarification can be addressed to greta@ada.gv.at before 10.04.2023 17:00. The response to submitted questions will be supplied no later than 13.04.2023 17:00.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 63500000 ტურისტული სააგენტოების, ტუროპერატორებისა და ტურისტების დახმარების მომსახურებები