4 აგვისტო 2023, 18:00
დასრულებულიT18489 - LITB 9184086 Procurement Air pollution Monitors
Tender Description:
The UNICEF announces tender LITB 9184086 Procurement of Air pollution Monitors.
Important - Tender Information:
UNICEF Georgia Country Office seeks to purchase 18 indoor air quality monitors to be installed in the classrooms of selected schools in Georgia (Republic of Georgia). The equipment should regularly check and record data at least on PM2.5 and CO2 (monitoring humidity would be an asset).The monitors should do 24-hour real-time online monitoring of indoor air quality and upload detectiondata. They should be suitable for wall installation, have convenient structure, simple connection and installation method. Power supply voltage should be suitable for Georgia (220V).
Equipment Description:
Monitoring parameters: PM2.5 and CO2 (self-calibration) in indoor air; measuring humidity is also desirable.
Measuring ranges for:
- PM 2.5 - 0~500ìg##
- CO2 - 0~5,000ppm
- Humidity - 0~99%RH
- PM 2.5 - <±5ìg##+10% reading (0-300ìg##)
- CO2 - ±50ppm + 3% of reading
- Humidity - ±3.5%RH
- Service life > 5 years.
Please provide quotes for 18 indoor air quality monitors which will reflect:
- Price of each unit (if the monitor measuring humidity as well is more expensive, then provide prices
- separately for the 1) monitors measuring only PM2.5 and CO2, and 2) monitors measuring PM2.5, CO2 and humidity
Full information see in the attached file.
Bidders are requested to send electronic (PDF) copies of their proposals to GEO-ML- Procurement@unicef.org with the tender reference in their email subjects (as demonstrated below):
The Proposals MUST be received at the above email address by 04.08.2023 at or before 18:00hrs (Tbilisi Time). Due to the nature of this RFPS, there will be no public opening of proposals. Proposals received after the stipulated date and time will be invalidated.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 90700000 მომსახურებები ეკოლოგიის სფეროში
- 38400000 ფიზიკური მახასიათებლების კონტროლის ხელსაწყოები