27 სექტემბერი 2023, 18:00
დასრულებულიT18941 - Auction Sale of UNICEF Vehicles
Auction Description:
The UNICEF announces Auction Sale of Vehicles.
Any request for information regarding this auction must be submitted by email with specific reference to the Invitation number: Ref: LITB-2023-9183066, vehicle model, and plate number (more info on page 2).
- Deadline for vehicle inspection: 25 September, 18:00
- Deadline for receiving bids: 27 September, 18:00
NOTE: The UNICEF reserves the right to disqualify the Company/Individual suspend or terminate any contract or other arrangement between the UNICEF and the Company/Individual, with immediate effect and without liability, in the event of any misrepresentation made by the Company/Individual.
Auction Vehicle Details:
1. Toyota LC Prado (current car plates: 007D81)
- Production year: 2008
- Engine: 2.7 petrol
- Fuel tank capacity: 90 L
- Gearbox: Automatic
- Color: Gray metallic
- Milage: 265000 km
Starting bid is USD 5,000
Note: Approximate cost of customs clearance USD 2,700
2. Toyota LC 200 (current car plates: 007D17)
- Production year: 2008
- Engine: 4.2 diesel
- Fuel tank capacity: 90 L
- Gearbox: Mechanic
- Color: White
- Milage: 465000 km
Starting bid is USD 5,000
Note: Approximate cost of customs clearance USD 4,200
Bidders are requested to submit their bids by email to GEO-ML-Procurement@unicef.org with reference to the Invitation number, vehicle model, and plate number in email subject as demonstrated below:
- Ref: LITB-2023-9183066 – Toyota LC Prado – plate number: 007D81
- Ref: LITB-2023-9183066 – Toyota LC 200 – plate number: 007D17
IMPORTANT: A bid shall be sent to the indicated email address (GEO-ML-Procurement@unicef.org) in PDF format. It is advised to submit the bids in the password-secured PDF formats.
Inspection period allowing bidders to examine the vehicles will take place until 25.09.2023.
- Bidders shall confirm their willingness to inspect a vehicle by sending an email to GEO-ML- Procurement@unicef.org, copying ekarseladze@unicef.org and lmetreveli@unicef.org Bidders shall indicate their name and surname, ID number, and phone number for scheduling an appointment.
- Bidders will receive email approval with suggested Date and time for the
All requests for formal clarification on this Auction must be submitted via e-mail on the following address: GEO-ML-Procurement@unicef.org copying ekarseladze@unicef.org & lmetreveli@unicef.org
Deadline for vehicle inspection: 25 September, 18:00 Deadline for receiving bids: 27 September, 18:00
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 34100000 ავტოსატრანსპორტო საშუალებები