ჩაბარების ვადა:
3 ოქტომბერი 2014, 16:00
დასრულებულიT191 - ტენდერი ბეჭდვის მომსახურეობის შესყიდვასთან დაკავშრებით
Tender Description:
To support UNICEF activities in health and WASH in Abkhazia UNICEF is about to produce relevant communication materials, which will be used in different events and trainings such as “Child Health Days”, “Global Hand Washing Day”, etc.
RFQ# 14005
For detailed information, please check the enclosed file.
Submission Terms:
Please fill up and dsend back a signed/stamped scan copy together with requested documentation on E-mail indicated in the enclosed file or hand deliver in a sealed envelope by 16:00 of Friday 03.10.2014.