14 თებერვალი 2025, 18:00
დასრულებულიT25266 - Selling of 2 (two) Electric Power Generators
Tender Description:
JSC Nenskra Hydro (“Company”) announces a tender for sale of 2 (two) Electric Power Generators (“Items”).
General Description of the Items:
- Manufacturer: Milantractor s.p.a. (www.milantractor.it)
- Power: 1280 kVA each, V: 400; HZ: 50
- Engine: KTA50G4
- RPM: 1500
- Wight: 22000 kg each
Refer to Annex 1 for the photo report of the Items.
Location of the Items:
Storage area at Larnaka Street 13, Poti, Georgia (outdoor in the closed containers)
* The delivery and handover of the Items shall take place at the location mentioned herein.
Condition of the Items:
Items are sold on an ’as is, where is’ basis. The buyer shall be fully responsible for arranging and shall bear all costs associated with removal and transportation of the Items from their current locations. After the sale of the Items, the Company will not bear any responsibility for further actions taken by the buyer related to the sold/ transferred Items.
Tender Conditions:
- Interested Tenderers are required to submit the LOI to the following email addresses:
taehoon.park@nenskrahydro.ge; hyungshin.kim@nenskrahydro.ge;
- Tender proposals shall be submitted for both electric power generators with total purchase price;
- After the submission of the LOI, the Tenderers will be provided with a draft of respective Sale and Purchase Agreement (“Agreement”) and offered a visit to the storage area;
- Visit to the storage area and inspection of the Items by Tenderers can be organized by the Company for those who have submitted the LOI in advance. During the inspection, if the Items are damaged due to the improper treatment by the Tenderers, those Tenderers shall compensate the Company for such damages;
- Tenderers interested in purchasing the Items shall submit their Tender Proposal in accordance with the Annex 2 to the email addresses provided above, including their proposed purchase price for the Items (“Tender Price”);
- The Tender Price shall include any applicable taxes (e.g. VAT)/duties, and the currency of the Tender Price shall be in US Dollars;
- Tenderers with the highest Tender Price will be awarded (the “Awarded Tenderer”), and the Company will notify only the Awarded Tenderer and invite them to sign the respective Agreement;
- The signing of the Agreement should be completed within 5 (five) business days after being notified as the Awarded Tenderer. Failure to sign the Agreement will be considered a disqualification. Then, the Company can negotiate with the Tenderer who submitted the second highest Tender Price;
- The Awarded Tenderer shall pay the full amount of the Tender Price to the Company within 5 (five) business days after the signing of the Agreement. The failure to make the full payment by the Awarded Tenderer within this timeframe will result in the termination of the Agreement. Then, the Company can negotiate with the Tenderer who submitted the second highest Tender Price.
- After 5 (five) business days from the date of full payment by the Awarded Tenderer, the Awarded Tenderer shall be responsible for accepting/taking over the Items and ensuring their removal/transportation from the storage area or arrange their storage at its own expense.
- Schedule of Tender:
- Submission of the LOI: February 14, 2025, 09:00AM~18:00PM
- Providing technical specifications of the Items and a draft Agreement to the Tenderers who have submitted the LOI: February 17, 2025
- Visit to the Storage Area: February 18, 2025 at 10:00
- Submission of Tender Proposal: February 24, 2025 09:00AM~18:00PM
* Early or late submission may not be accepted by the Company
- Notification of the Awarded Tenderer: March 04, 2025
- Signing of the Agreement (deadline): March 10, 2025
- Full Payment to the Company (deadline): March 17, 2025
- Removal of Items from the storage area (deadline): March 24, 2025
The Company may modify or terminate this Tender at any time during the Tender procedure, at its discretion with no obligations or responsibilities.
For any inquiries related to the tender, please submit them in writing to the above-mentioned email addresses.
- Annex 1. Photo Report of Items
- Annex 2. Tender Proposal Form
Submission of the LOI: February 14, 2025, from 09:00AM to 18:00PM
Contact information: taehoon.park@nenskrahydro.ge; hyungshin.kim@nenskrahydro.ge
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 31100000 ელექტროძრავები, გენერატორები და ტრანსფორმატორები