ჩაბარების ვადა:

20 მარტი 2025, 15:00



ელ. ტენდერი
T25601 - Tender for Delivery and installation of flow measurement system on Zhinvali HPP

სატენდერო წინადადებების მიღების დაწყების თარიღი: 16 მარტი 2025 დრო: 15:00

Tender Description:

Georgian Water and Power LLC (GWP, ID 203826002) announces an electronic tender for:  Delivery and installation of flow measurement system on Zhinvali HPP.

1.2. Description of service / work (technical assignment), quantity / volume of the procurement object

Zhinvali HPP General Data:

The Zhinvali HPP consists of a 520 mio m3 reservoir retained by an embankment dam on the Aragvi


Head 170 m water head and a 130 MW power plant. The scheme was commissioned in 1985.

 The main characteristics of the project are the following :

  • Hydrology
    - Average river flow at intake 43.8 m3/s
  • Dam
    - Type Earth dam
    - Structure With central clayey core
    - Material Gravels and clay
    - Foundation soil Conglomerate
  • Reservoir
    - Function Seasonal water storage
    - Normal water level 810 masl
    - Minimum operational level 770 masl
  • Spillway
    - Type Ungated overflow spillway, open channel
    - Location Left bank
    - Elevation 810 masl
    - Length 600 m
    - Design flood 1'240 m3/s
  • Bottom outlet
    - Type Tower
    - Number of openings 2 (5.0 x 5.0 m2)
    - Elevation 762.8 masl
    - Capacity 1'080 m3/s
  • Water intake
    - Type Tower
    - Capacity 115 m3/s
    - Protection Two gates (service / maintenance)
  • Penstock
    - Operation mode Pressurized
    - Location low level
    - Material Reinforced concrete and steel lining
    - Length 648 m
    - Diameter 5'500 - 5'300 mm
  • HPP
    - Number of Units 4
    - Type of turbines Francis (vertical)
    - Total installed power P = 4 X 32.5 MW= 130 MW
  • Energy
    - Annual production 430 GWh
    - Transformers 2 x 220 MVA + 1 x 110 MWA
    - Power line 110 kV, 220 kV

The specification calls for flow measurement systems in free flow tunnel:

  • Supplier must be presentrd price for delivery and installation duration for 1 set of equipments.
  • Required accuracy of these flowmeter were defined by Zhinvali HPP / GWP and MUST BE less than 5%


  • The flow measurement system design shall be according IEC60041/ ASME PTC18 a.
  • Protection cover system shall be designed for a waterproof application. 


  • Please note, the equipment must be of European manufacture!
  • Delivery and Installation work must be executed from May 15 till June 15, 2025
  • Guarantee minimum 24 months


1.3 Estimation:

The bidder must submit the estimates according to Annex N1 in Excel format.

1.4 Form and place of delivery of goods:

  • Georgian Water and Power Ltd (GWP) Place of delivery:
  • Warehouse of "Georgian Water and Power" – Zhinvali HPP

1.5 Payment terms:

Payment will be made by consignment, with non-cash payment within 30 (thirty) calendar days after receiving the goods and signing of the relevant acceptance certificate and / or relevant documents. In case of requesting an advance payment, you must submit an advance payment guarantee, which must be issued by a bank licensed by Georgia or a bank of a member country of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – can be negotiable.

1.6 Data to be uploaded / submitted by the bidder in the electronic tender:

  • Price table (in accordance with Annex N1);
  • Extract from the Register of Entrepreneurs and Non-Entrepreneurial (Non-Commercial) Legal Entities, which must be issued after the announcement of this electronic tender;
  • Consent to these tender conditions, for which a signed tender application must be submitted;
  • Information on the materials used Quality certificates issued by the relevant authorities.
  • The warranty must apply to the material, companies that offer higher warranty period will be given priority during selection.
  • The supplier must present the quality certificates corresponding to the country where the material will be produced.
  • Offer must be valid for – 90 days


  • All documents and / or information created by the bidder uploaded in the electronic tender must be signed by an authorized person (if necessary, a power of attorney must be uploaded);
  • All documents and / or information created by the bidder must be confirmed by the electronic signature of the authorized person or the electronic stamp of the company.
  • If the bidder is a foreign enterprise that is not registered in Georgia, bidder can send the bid via e-mail, which is indicated in the contact information of this tender documentation.
  • Also, if some technical problem will arise, during bid submission on tender site, the bidder can send a proposal on the e-mail specified in the tender documents. We would like to state that the proposal must be submitted by e-mail no later than 18:00 on January 22, 2024


1.7 Signing a contract:

Within the framework of this e-tender, a single contract will be concluded in accordance with the draft contract and the tender proposal attached to this tender.

1.8 Other requirements:

  • At the time of submission of the proposal, the bidder should not be:
    • in the process of bankruptcy;
    • In the process of liquidation;
    • In a state of temporary suspension of activities.
  • Presentation of prices is allowed only in the national currency of Georgia (GEL). Prices should include all costs and taxes (including VAT) provided by this tender.
  • The bid submitted by the bidder must be valid for 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of bids.
  • The Procurer (Georgian Water and Power LLC (GWP, JSC 203826002) reserves the right to set the deadline for the tender, change the terms of the tender, notify the tender participants in a timely manner, or terminate the tender at any stage.

The Procurer (Georgian Water and Power Ltd (GWP, ID 203826002)) will identify the winning supplier to the Tender Commission and notify all participating companies of the decision. The Purchaser (Georgian Water and Power Ltd (GWP, ID 203826002)) is not obliged to provide the participating company with a verbal or written explanation of any decision regarding the competition.

The Purchaser (Georgian Water and Power LLC (GWP, ID 203826002)) reserves the right to verify any information received from the Bidders, as well as to obtain information about the Bidder Company or its activities. If it is proved that the information provided by the bidder is not true or falsified, the bidder will be disqualified.

Please note that the Purchaser (Georgian Water and Power Ltd (GWP, ID  203826002) will not receive any oral inquiries for additional information, except by telephone.

Note: Any other information obtained by other means will not be official and does not give rise to any liability on the part of the Purchaser (Georgian Water and Power LLC (GWP, ID 203826002)).

1.9 Information for e-tender participants:

Instructions for participation in the electronic tender on tenders.ge can be found in the attached file

Tender Submission Terms:

  • Offers should be submitted on procurement web-page: www.tenders.ge
  • Submission Deadline is: 20/03/2025 ; 15:00 PM 
  • Bid currency: GEL
  • Auction type: Without auction
  • Participation in the tender is free
  • Instructions to Apply for E-Tender can be found in the attached file
  • Any question during the electronic tender process shall be made in writing and communicated through the Q&A platform of www.tenders.ge website 

Contact information:

Contact person: Vano Tsiklauri
Address: Georgia, Tbilisi, Mtatsminda district, Medea (Mzia) Jugheli street, №10
E-mail Email: vtsiklauri@gwp.ge
Tel: +995 322 931111 (1149); 577 73 66 44

Head of Procurement
Contact person: Magda Lomtatidze
Address: Georgia, Tbilisi, Mtatsminda district, Medea (Mzia) Jugheli street, №10
E-mail Email: mlomtatidze@gwp.ge
Tel: +995 322 931111; 595 22 66 94

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 45300000 სამშენებლო-სამონტაჟო სამუშაოები
  • 38400000 ფიზიკური მახასიათებლების კონტროლის ხელსაწყოები

დამატებითი ინფორმაცია

  • მონაწილეობის დაწყება:
    16 მარტი 2025 დრო 15:00
  • შეთავაზების ვალუტა: GEL
  • ვაჭრობის ტიპი: ვაჭრობის გარეშე
  • პრეკვალიფიკაცია: არა