13 თებერვალი 2015, 15:00
დასრულებულიT333 - კონკურსი სოციალური მუშაკების ტრეინინგის მომსახურებაზე
UNICEF Tbilisi requests proposals to select a company for Training of Social Workers of the Social Service Agency
RFP No. P-GEO-2015-002
For detailed information, please check the enclosed file.
In order to be considered for an award, your technical and price proposals should be hand delivered in separate sealed envelopes and placed in the locked Tender Box located at the Ground Floor of UN House, 9 Eristavi Street, Vake, Tbilisi 0179, Georgia NO LATER than 15:00 of 13 February 2015.
While the price proposals remain sealed until the technical evaluation is completed, the technical envelopes will be opened immediately after the closing time and forwarded to the unit designated to manage the selection process. One representative from each bidding company may attend the opening process.
The sealed envelopes should be labeled as follows:
(1) P-GEO-2015-002 - Technical Proposal and
(2) P-GEO-2015-002 - Price Proposal.
Technical Proposal should include: (1) Organizational profile and brief description of its activity showing minimum of 3 years organizational experience (a) working on issues related to social work and violence against children, (b) conducting training including training of trainers; (2) Brief project proposal, timeline and the requested budget; (3) CVs of the staff members involved in the project.
Price Proposal should include: (1) Cover letter and (2) Detailed budget in GEL; (3) Payment schedule.
Accordingly, we enclose our Request for Proposal No. P-GEO-2015-002and you are requested to:
(a) Submit your proposal with unit price(s) in GEL, as instructed, on or before closing time.
(b) Note that failure to submit proposal in GEL, or in accordance with the requested terms, will result in automatic invalidation of your application.