ჩაბარების ვადა:

22 მარტი 2018, 11:00



T3631 - Vehicle barriers and vehicle gates services

Tender Description:

Enclosed is a Request for Quotations (RFQ) for maintain vehicle barriers and vehicle gates services. If you would like to submit a quotation, follow the instructions in Section 3 of the solicitation, complete the required portions of the attached document, and submit it to the address shown on the Standard Form 1449 that follows this letter.

Submit your quotation by email with submit “Quotation Enclosed 19GG8018Q0004” to the TbilisiBids@state.gov  on or before 5:00PM (local time) on April 16th, 2018. No electronic offers will be accepted. Please mail your offer to the contracting office listed in this notice prior to the response date and time.

The site visit will be held on March 22nd, 2018 at 11:00 (local time) at US Embassy Tbilisi (location). Prospective offerors/quoters should contact Keti Abutidze for additional information or to arrange entry to the building.

For a quotation to be considered, you must also complete and submit the following:

  • SF 1449
  • Section 1, pricing;
  • Section 5, Representations and Certifications;
  • Additional information as Section in Section 3

Direct any questions regarding this solicitation to the TbilisiGSOProcurement@state.gov  or by telephone +99 32 227 7000 during regular business hours.

The U.S. Government intends to award a contract/purchase order to the responsible company submitting an acceptable quotation at the lowest price. We intend to award a contract/purchase order based on initial quotations, without holding discussions, although we may hold discussions with companies in the competitive range if there is a need to do so.

For detailed information see the attached file below.

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 34100000 ავტოსატრანსპორტო საშუალებები
  • 34900000 სხვადასხვა სატრანსპორტო მოწყობილობა და სათადარიგო ნაწილები
  • 50100000 სატრანსპორტო საშუალებებისა და მათთან დაკავშირებული მოწყობილობების შეკეთება, ტექნიკური მომსახურება და მასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები