ჩაბარების ვადა:

7 დეკემბერი 2018, 18:00



T4618 - Training session and organisation of a murder mystery dinner party

Tender Description:

Tenders.ge announces tender for the partner company for the following services:

  • Training Session
  • Organisation of a murder mystery dinner party

1) The training session:

3-hour interactive session entitled “written communication”
Must be delivered in English
Not just lecture, but exercises, groups, problems, etc
Class size 20 persons approximately
Students are from 10+ countries. All speak basic English and 50%+ speak Russian. Hence, visual or practical teaching methods and stimulus are preferred.


  • Better reports
  • Clearer messages
  • Easy to follow logic
  • Clear notes

2) Organisation of a murder mystery dinner party, with a good location where will be possible book out (just us) and have dinner, plus space for acting. Can be considered venues within, 1 hour travel from the city centre by bus. It must be basically a role-playing game where the guests are detectives and suspects, they each have to decide who is the murderer by asking questions.

Please, provide your proposals and details about services, by mail until EOD 07.12.2018 on the following e-mail address: proposals@tenders.ge

Supplier of the services can be different for each request.

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 79900000 სხვადასხვა კომერციული მომსახურება და მასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები
  • 80500000 სატრენინგო მომსახურებები
  • 92300000 გასართობი მომსახურებები