25 ივნისი 2019, 18:00
დასრულებულიT5493 - Renovation Works
Tender Description:
Evolution Georgia LLC Announces a tender for the renovation works.
Founded in 2006, Evolution revolutionized the Live Casino platform, transforming it into a "must have" for gaming operators. Evolution Gaming Group AB is stock listed on the Swedish stock exchange, Nasdaq and the group today employs approximately 6,500 people across 12 countries, committed to delivering a flawless Live Casino experience across multiple media and channels. More information on evolution can be found at: www.evolutiongaming.com
As part of its growing ambitions, Evolution has established a hub Georgia currently comprising of 1500 employees with number getting bigger day by day.
Evolution Georgia is seeking qualified companies to submit proposals for the provision of renovation within its premises works based on work orders.
Renovation Services:
- Date of Issue - 12 June 2019.
- Last date for confirming interest to participate - 19 June 2019.
- Site visit dates - 19,20 June 2019.
- Last date for submission of queries - 21 June 2019.
- Deadline for submission of EoI - 25 June 2019.
- Contact address (postal) - Tbilisi, Mekhanizatsia str. 1/2.
General scope of work:
- The scope of the work is provision of renovation works of the buildings under Evolution Georgia, Located in Tbilisi. This accounts for around 10,000 of sq.m in general, however scope may differ from the renovation of 50 sq.m to 1000 sq.m.
- Company expressing interest should be ready to provide small, medium and large scale works in the shortest reasonable timeline.
Eligibility and Qualifying criteria:
- The bidder should have at least of 1 year experience in providing renovation works with overall turnover above 100 000 K GEL.
Site Visits:
- Companies are welcome to perform due diligence of Evo with their own expenses and their own capabilities.
Instructions to Bidders and Submittals
This document together with Annexes forms a complete set of EoI document.
- The bidders are advised to submit complete details of this EoI as pre-qualification Bid Evaluation shall be done of the basis of documents submitted
- Proposals with incomplete/ambiguous information will be rejected
- The bidders are advised in their own interest to submit their proposal well in advance from the last date/time of submission to avoid problems which bidders may face in submission of last moment/during rush hours;
- After submission of EoI Bid, the bidder can re-submit the revised EoI any number of times but before last time and date of submission of the EoI bid
- Certificate of Financial turnover signed by the bank is not required at this stage. The company shall indicate the turnover in financial figures in the submittal form as attached.
- Submission of queries: The bidders may submit queries if any on the following email address: geotender@evolutiongaming.com Evo will only reply to queries which are essentially required for submission of Proposal. The query owner shall not be disclosed, however query and response shall be distributed to all bidders to ensure transparency. Queries received after the date specified will neither be entertained nor replied.
- Proposal validity. The proposal should be valid for six months. However, Evo reserves the right to curtail or extend this period at its sole discretion.
- Rejection of proposal. Evo reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or cancel/withdraw the invitation of the EoI without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
- It is very important to provide the contact details of the referees, or the companies where successful projects have been executed.
- Only the companies who have participated in the EoI and been shortlisted shall be allowed to participated in the RFP/Tender process.
- All costs associated with the preparation of this EoI shall be solely born by the participating Company.
- RFI does not result in contract award.
EoI Submittals and Form of Submission:
- Format 1: Financial and similar work experience details (as per the attached format 1);
- Note: Along with the similar work experience, the Bidder should submit annual turnover for 2018. - Format 2. General information of the Bidder;
- Legal Name of the company , Identification number and legal/physical address
- Name of a contact person, position, telephone number and e-mail - Extract from public registry
Submission form shall be electronic, to the below listed email address: geotender@evolutiongaming.com The submission form shall be PDF format.
All queries should be in writing and addressed to the following procurement representative:
Procurement Specialist: Sopio Uznadze
Please kindly review the detailed tender documentation in the attached files.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 71500000 მშენებლობასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები
- 45200000 მთლიანი ან ნაწილობრივი სამშენებლო სამუშაოები და სამოქალაქო მშენებლობის სამუშაოები
- 45300000 სამშენებლო-სამონტაჟო სამუშაოები
- 45400000 შენობის დასრულების სამუშაოები