10 ივლისი 2019, 18:00
დასრულებულიT5529 - Tender for the Purchase of Hydraulic Press for PET Bottles
Tender Description:
The USAID/WMTR II program has announced a tender for companies that are engaged in the supply of Hydraulic Press for PET Bottles.
Program Background:
The WMTR II program is implemented by CENN with the support of USAID. The program assists the Government of Georgia (GoG) in modernizing the country’s waste management sector and supporting sustainable development and inclusive economic growth, ensuring the responsible management of natural endowments that will minimize adverse impacts from waste on human health and natural resources.
The WMTR II has four main objectives:
- Implementing an Integrated Waste Management System
- Private Sector-Led Recycling
- Illegal Dumping Penalties and Tariff Policy
- Public Outreach
The program mainstreams innovative approaches, applies new technologies, and streamlines strong partnerships to achieve, sustain and fulfill set objectives and solve developmental challenges.
The purpose of the tender:
The purpose of the tender is to ensure the purchase of Hydraulic Press for PET Bottles for the waste collection company. Brief information about the equipment and technical specifications is provided below:
Hydraulic Press for PET Bottles
- Pressure force: 50 – 58 kg/newtons
- Press stroke type: Long stroke
- Maximum applicable dimensions of Bale: 1200 x 800 x 1200 mm
- Minimum Bale Weight: 250 kg
- Type: Hydraulic
- Energy source: Electricity
- Warranty: At least 1 year
To participate in the tender:
- Interested and qualified companies should submit their bids in one PDF file to: shorena.ebanoidze@cenn.org no later than July 10, 2019 at 18:00.
Bids should include the following information:
- Name, address, contact person and phone number of the company;
- Evidence of relevant work experience;
- Copy of a registration certificate of the company;
- Price in USD - per equipment, without transportation (should be provided excl. VAT);
- Time required for service delivery;
- Warranty terms and conditions.
Incomplete documentation will not be considered.
Bids will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Lower Price of the equipment;
- Warranty terms and conditions;
- Time required for the supply of the equipment.
Long stroke of the cylinder is necessary for conducting pressing at the maximum efficiency mode thereby preventing forming of dead zones within the bale while producing it with the highest density.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 43300000 სამშენებლო მანქანები და მოწყობილობები