3 თებერვალი 2020, 19:00
ელ. ტენდერი
T6490 - Tender for the Mestiachala Bridge Construction
Tender Description:
JSC Svaneti Hydro (referred to as the “CLIENT”) is seeking technical and commercial proposal (hereinafter referred to as “BID”) from the tender participant (hereinafter referred to as “TENDERER”) for the Mestiachala Bridge Construction.
- The CLIENT reserves the right to reject or accept any proposal. The CLIENT reserves the right to proceed with the implementation of any work, in whole or in part, as described in the proposals.
- The CLIENT will be the sole judge to reject or accept any BID. As such, any BID deemed incomplete, unsatisfactory, or failing to comply with the requirements or format may be rejected by the CLIENT.
- The CLIENT reserves the right to engage in discussions with any TENDERER to clarify responses or discuss certain elements with regards to the proposal or services requested. The CLIENT has no obligation to notify the other TENDERERs of the discussions, clarifications, or other information provided by a TENDERER.
- The CLIENT reserves the right to award the proposal based on experience, completion date, guarantee of service, and other criteria, and not necessarily the lowest cost.
- Based on available funds, the CLIENT reserves the right to delete components from the Tender and negotiate changes to fully meet the CLIENT’s needs.
- The issuance of this Tender or any negotiations with a company after the closing date does not bind or commit the CLIENT to enter into any contract.
- The CLIENT reserves the right in the event the successful TENDERER fails to comply with the terms and conditions as listed, to cancel this contract and award it to another TENDERER without penalty or action against the CLIENT. The tender does not constitute an agreement or order. Submission of a proposal or response by a proponent is voluntary.
- By submitting a bid, the TENDERER is deemed to have acknowledged all of the undertakings, specifications, terms and conditions contained in the tender, and to be bound by them if the BID is accepted. All expenses incurred by the TENDERER in connection with the preparation of its proposal are to be borne by the TENDERER, and the CLIENT shall not incur any obligation whatsoever toward the TENDERER regardless of whether such bid is accepted or rejected.
- An authorized signing officer must sign all bids. The bid must indicate an individual who is authorized to negotiate and sign on behalf of the proponent if other than the signature found on the proposal submission.
- All submissions are to be prefaced with a covering letter, on company letterhead, which contains an original signature of the individual authorized to submit proposals on their behalf.
- CLIENT retains the right to visit TENDERER facilities during TENDER to examine steel assembly facilities.
- TENDERER must submit a written acknowledgement of the receipt of this tender package with the signed/stamped NDA within two business days following issuance of this tender by the CLIENT. Acknowledgement must be sent electronically to CLIENT’s representative identified in section 4.1 below.
- BID must be submitted in line with the instructions provided within this tender package.
- Proposals are to be received in electronic format per instructions provided separately.
- Submission Deadline is February 3, 2020 (Submission Deadline)
All enquires and communication regarding this tender (including notifications of any discrepancies or errors or omissions to be submitted in electronically, no later than 3 business days prior to the Submission Deadline to: dbichelashvili@grpc.ge
Otherwise the CLIENT reserves the right not to respond to enquiries. Responses by the CLIENT to enquiries will be made in writing and distributed by email to all proponents registered as having received the tender as of the date the response is required by the CLIENT. The CLIENT will not identify the source of the question(s) in the response. Orally communicated information shall not be binding upon the CLIENT. Enquiries after the foregoing deadline will not receive a response.
FORMAT OF THE BID The BID submitted by the TENDERER must be structured as per the below provided instructions:
- Executive Summary
- Qualifications and Experience
a. TENDERER’s Background including history, organizational structure, number of employees, summary of services provided
b. Relevant Project Experience – limit to three project descriptions including location, CLIENT, relevance to current project
c. References – limit to three references including company name, contact address, phone number and email addresses.
d. Proposed sub–contractors including company name, description of proposed role, and summary of qualifications. - Technical proposal outlining scope of work and methodology (include detailed descriptions of scope of work, deliverables, exclusions, conditions, stipulations and assumptions).
- Project Management and Communication – Provide description of organization assigned to the project execution, number of people, roles and responsibilities and communication means, CV’s of the key personnel (upon request)
- Proposed Implementation Schedule based on the completion dates indicated by CLIENT in section 7 below.
- Warranty
- Sub-contracting
- Commercial Proposal outlining TENDERER’s rates and prices for the performance of SCOPE OF WORK of this tender package.
Full tender documentation can be found in attached files.
Tender Submiussion Terms:
- Offers should be submitted on procurement web-page: www.tenders.ge
- Submission Deadline is February 3, 2020, 19:00 local time;
- Instructions to Apply for E-Tender can be found in the attached file.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 45200000 მთლიანი ან ნაწილობრივი სამშენებლო სამუშაოები და სამოქალაქო მშენებლობის სამუშაოები
- 45300000 სამშენებლო-სამონტაჟო სამუშაოები
- 45400000 შენობის დასრულების სამუშაოები
- 71500000 მშენებლობასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები