ჩაბარების ვადა:

1 ივნისი 2020, 17:00



T6894 - Technical Assistance for U5 Children's Health Multi-year Strategy and Plan of Action

Tender Description:

Technical assistance for the development of multi-year strategy and plan of action for U5 children’s health in Georgia.

Objective of the assignment:

  • The objective of the assignment is to support the Government of Georgia in developing 10-year health strategy (2021-2031) for Georgia’s children under five years of age (U5) and the respective 3-year plan of action by using the highest level of participation possible.

Scope of Work – Key Tasks 
The consultancy firm is requested to: 

  • Carry out secondary, in-depth analysis of the MICS 2018 data around the following topics: Early Childhood Development, WASH, Child Health, Maternal Health and Nutrition. The analysis would include:
  • An in-depth descriptive analysis of thematic data/indicators - description, discussion and contextualization
  • Trends analysis and cross references with the previous MICS studies conducted in Georgia (2005) and the National Nutrition Survey (2010)
  • Cross-tabulation for thematic indicators to present findings from data analysis, including disaggregation(s) by age, gender, marital status, wealth category, education level, place of residence, age of parent at time of birth, etc. to add context to MICS data and to interrogate how different factors might affect a single outcome
  • An analytical report that clearly articulates the situation behind the MICS data and paves the ground for informed policy making
  • Conduct a comprehensive review of U5 children health status in Georgia and its supporting regulatory and programmatic environment
  • Mobilize the relevant Governmental and non-governmental stakeholders and launch the strategy development process that will entail the discussions on evidence-based policy recommendations, elucidating missed opportunities and informing future strategic priorities
  • Develop a draft strategy document (refer to the Maternal and New-born Health Strategy, when needed but without duplications) and facilitate consensus among the stakeholders
  • Polish and fine-tune the strategic document as per the recommendations and agreements reached
  • Develop a 3-year Action Plan (2021-2024) for the implementation of U5 Children’s Health Strategy that is expected to complement/provide inputs the new 3-year plan for Maternal and Newborn Health (which is under the development with the support of UNFPA and anticipated to be completed 4 months from now). 

Proposals should be submitted no later than Monday 1 June 2020 by 17:00 in original hard copies duly signed and dated. An electronic version on CD must also be included. Proposers must submit a sealed proposal, ensuring separate envelopes for the Technical Proposal and the Price Proposal. Prices or rates shall not appear in any other part of the proposal.

Please kindly review the detailed tender documentation in the attached file.

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 85300000 სოციალური დახმარების სამსახური და მასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები
  • 75300000 სავალდებულო სოციალურ დაზღვევასთან დაკავშირებული მომსახურებები