ჩაბარების ვადა:

1 მაისი 2021, 23:00



T9282 - Announcement of Consultancy for the Development of one pilot SME-Based and tutor-based dual VET scheme in the wood craft industry sector in WG

გთხოვთ გაითვალისწინოთ რომ სატენდერო დოკუმენტაციაში განხორციელდა ცვლილება. გთხოვთ იხილოთ განახლებული ინფორმაცია.

Tender Description:

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is inviting legally registered companies/organizations to participate in tendering for consultancy service for the Development of one pilot SME-based and tutor-based dual VET scheme in the wood craft industry sector in West Georgia through international and national partnerships. The duration of the assignment is 14 months, from May 2021 till June 2022. 

The Present Invitation to Bid (ITB) falls under the project “Economic Participation, Housing and Social Infrastructure for IDPs and Host Communities” executed by DRC as an Implementing Agency with funds from the German Bank KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) in the framework of the German financial cooperation with the Republic of Georgia. The whole project is implemented under the auspices of the Georgian Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Health, Labor and Social Affairs, through its LEPL ‘IDPs, Eco-Migrants and Livelihoods Agency’.

Please submit your bid(s) for the supply of the above-mentioned consultancy service as per the attached Invitation to Bid (ITB) package in compliance with the Instructions and Conditions stipulated thereafter. 

The interested applicants should provide the ITB package containing the following documents:

  • ITB Invitation to Bid - Instructions and Conditions for Invitation to Bid (for guidance)
  • Annex A 1. Technical Bid form (to be filled in)
  • Annex A 1.2  Technical proposal (to be submitted in free format):
    - Brief introduction of the applicant organization;
    - Detailed description of methodology and work-plan;
  • Annex A 2. Financial Bid in EUR including VAT (to be filled in)
  • Annex A 2.2 Detailed Budget in EUR including VAT (to be submitted in free format)
  • Annex B Tender and Contract Award Acknowledgment Certificate (to be filled in, signed and stamped, attached to the ITB invitation to Bid)
  • Annex C Supplier Profile Registration Form (to be filled in, signed, and stamped)
  • Annex D Supplier Code of Conduct (to be signed and stamped)
  • Annex E DRC General Conditions for Service Contracts (for guidance)
  • Annex F Statement of Work (SoW) (for guidance)

The ITB package must be submitted by e-mail to the following address: tender.geo.wg@drc.ngo 

Please indicate ITB number and Tender Name-PR_001147035-Consultancy for the Development of one pilot SME-based and tutor-based dual VET scheme in the wood craft industry sector in West Georgia through international and national partnerships in the e-mail subject field as per the requirements of the ITB form, Article V.

The Bids submitted will be evaluated as per Administrative, Technical and Financial criteria. Only bids passing the Administrative evaluation will be evaluated against technical criteria and only successful bidders as result of technical evaluation will be evaluated financially. 

Please refer to Invitation to Bid (ITB) form Article III for details on Evaluation process and criteria.

Announcement of Invitation: April 12, 2021

The deadline for receipt of the bid(s): May 01, 2021, 24:00 

Any Bids received with delay will not be considered.

Please see attached ITB package.

No phone calls please.

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 73200000 კვლევასა და განვითარებასთან დაკავშირებული საკონსულტაციო მომსახურებები