20 ივნისი 2014, 18:00
დასრულებულიT124 - ტენდერი მთარგმნელობით მომსახურებაზე
University of Georgia is pleased to announce call for tenders: Translation of the Student Guide and Staff Guide.
Project title: Developing Student Career Services in Georgia (CASEDE)
Project number: 530566-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-LT-TEMPUS-SMGR (2012-3045/001-001)
Project WP3: Development of Career Education Tools
Deadline for tenders: 20/06/2014
Documents should be sent by e-mail: k.meparishvili@ug.edu.ge and jolanta.vaiciunaite@karjera.vu.lt
Contact person:
Ketevan Meparishvili
Head of Strategic Development and Marketing Department
University of Georgia
77a, Kostava str., Tbilisi 0171, Georgia
Tel. +950 32 2 55 22 22
Mob. +995 591 702 760