ჩაბარების ვადა:

21 ივნისი 2022, 18:00



T13253 - Tender on the Purchase of the Customer Satisfaction Survey module

გთხოვთ გაითვალისწინოთ რომ სატენდერო დოკუმენტაციაში განხორციელდა ცვლილება. ტენდერის ჩაბარების ბოლო ვადაა 21 ივნისი, 18:00 საათი.

Tender Description:

JSC “Terrabank” announces Tender on the Purchase of the Customer Satisfaction Survey module.

After reviewing the tender documents, one supplier will be selected, with whom a contract will be signed.

The companies participating in the tender must meet the following qualification requirements:

  • Work experience in the relevant field at least 3 years;

The tender application must contain the following documents:

  • Tender proposal in English language (service fees and conditions) both printed (on the form, signed by the responsible person/certified by the company stamp) as well as on CD/USB.
  • List of corporate clients of the company,
  • At least three letters of recommendation (original, issued in the last 6 months);
  • Extract from the entrepreneurial register;
  • Certificate from the tax authority that there is no debt;
  • Privacy Agreement, completed (see attached file)
  • Bank statement or statement on bank account turnover last (6 months)


  • Payment with the service company will be made only through the bank account opened in JSC "Terrabank".
  • The tender proposal must be submitted to the Chancellery of JSC "Terrabank": Address: Tbilisi, St.  Ketevan Dedopli Ave. # 3.

 The following data must be indicated on the envelope:

  • Company name;
  • Contact information (contact person, mobile number / phone, e-mail; address);
  • Tender name (Tender on Customer satisfaction survey tool requirements)
  • Signature and company seal at the envelope seal;

The deadline for submission of bids is Jun 21, June (until 18:00).

During the tender process, the bidding companies have the right to request the necessary information, which is necessary to prepare a complete tender proposal.

The bidder is responsible for the confidentiality of the information, both during and after the tender.

For technical issues, please contact Ketevan Kipiani,
E-mail to the following address: Ketevan.Kipiani@terabank.ge
by phone 255 00 00 / (ext. 1250). Mob: +995 599 28 86 83

For other formal issues related to the tender, please contact Irakli Mikadze at the following
e-mail address: irakli.mikadze@terabank.ge
by phone 255 00 00 / (internal 2005).
Mob: +995 595 60 01 04

Note: The bank reserves the right not to consider the submitted proposal, in which the requested documentation will be incompletely submitted.

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 73200000 კვლევასა და განვითარებასთან დაკავშირებული საკონსულტაციო მომსახურებები