ჩაბარების ვადა:

6 ივნისი 2024, 18:00



T22041 - Tender for Provision of Design of Picnic Areas in Adigeni Municipality

გთხოვთ იხილოთ განახლებული ინფორმაცია: ტენდერის დასრულების ვადად განისაზღვრა 2024 წლის 6 ივნისი.

Tender Description:

WWF Caucasus Programme Office (Id. Code 203845964) (referred to as the “CLIENT”) is announcing a tender and inviting qualified suppliers (companies and individuals) (hereinafter referred to as “BIDDER”) to submit proposals for provision of Design Services (hereinafter referred to as “BID”).


  • The Bidder shall submit the tender proposal (“BID”) based on terms and conditions defined in the present Tender Rules.  
  • The CLIENT reserves the right to reject or accept any proposal. The CLIENT reserves the right to proceed with the implementation of any work, in whole or in part, as described in the Tender BID.
  • The CLIENT reserves the right to engage in discussions with any BIDDER to clarify responses or discuss certain issues with regards to the proposal or services requested. The CLIENT has no obligation to notify the other BIDDERS of the discussions, clarifications, or other information provided by a BIDDER. Any additional information required for preparation of the Tender BID shall be distributed to all participants at the same time.
  • The CLIENT reserves the right to award the proposal based on experience, qualification, completion date, service cost and other criteria, and not necessarily the lowest cost.
  • Based on the Tender BID the CLIENT is entitled to change/replace or omit any clause/part of the preliminary defined scope of services of the proposal. The CLIENT shall conduct negotiations with Tender participants to achieve the full compliance to the requirements.
  • The issuance of this TENDER or any negotiations with a Tender participant after the closing date does not bind or commit the CLIENT to enter into negotiations or place an order with the BIDDER who submits the BID.
  • The CLIENT reserves the right in the event the successful BIDDER fails to comply with the terms and conditions as listed, to cancel this contract and award it to another BIDDER without penalty or action against the CLIENT. The TENDER does not constitute an agreement or order.
  • The Tender BID is not a binding agreement between the parties, submission of a proposal or response by a proponent is voluntary.
  •  By submitting a bid, the BIDDER is deemed to have acknowledged all of the undertakings, specifications, terms and conditions, WWF Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Investigation Policy (Annex 2) contained in the tender, and to be bound by them if the BID is accepted. All expenses incurred by the Bidder in connection with the preparation of its proposal are to be borne by the Tender participant, and the CLIENT shall not incur any obligation whatsoever toward the Bidder regardless of whether such bid is accepted or rejected
  • An authorized signing officer must sign all bids. The bid must indicate an individual who is authorized to negotiate and sign on behalf of the proponent, if other than the signature found on the proposal.


  • Submission of the Tender proposal shall correspond to the instructions below, by submitting the el. Version.
  • The BID submission deadline is: 22 May, 2024 by 18:00 (Tbilisi Time). The Tender Proposal shall be submitted to the following mail: procurement@wwfcaucasus.org


  • All enquires and communication regarding this tender are to be submitted in electronically to the following e-mail:dbichelashvili@wwfcaucasus.org. All questions shall be submitted prior 3 (three) working days till expiry of Tender submission deadline.
  • Any information and responses to enquiries will be made in writing and distributed by email to all proponents. Enquiries after the foregoing deadline will not receive a response.
  • The Tender Proposal shall be valid within 60 (sixty) calendar days.


The BID submitted by the Tender participant must be structured as per the below provided instructions:

  • General Information about the Tender Participant - General information about the Bidder, the number of the staff, the number and qualification of staff engaged in completion of the request, provision of additional data (CVs)
  • Experience:
     - Description of the complete and on-going projects with the similar scope of services: the list and general information about the complete and on-going projects, and the list of major clients during the last 5 years; Interested companies or individuals must demonstrate prior experience in designing outdoor recreational spaces, with a focus on local, sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Proposals should include examples of previous projects showcasing the pretendent’s expertise in using natural materials, environmental design, referencing traditional design elements and integration with natural surroundings.
     - References Minimum 3 Recommendation letters to be provided upon additional request;
     - Proposed sub–contractors (if applicable) including company name, description of proposed role, and summary of qualifications.
  • Proposal outlining scope supply – Description including detailed descriptions of scope and working process, exclusions, condition based on Terms of Reference.
  • Commercial Proposal- the prices shall be provided in GEL, the price rates shall include all costs related to service provision andtaxes envisaged by Georgian Legislat


WWF Caucasus Programme Office announces a tender for selection the Bidder for provision of Design Services.

The National Forestry Agency, with the technical support of the consortium between Zavita d.o.o, Stritih d.o.o and WWF Caucasus are implementing a project Measures for the Sustainable Use of Forest in Adigeni Municipality – Phase 2. The purpose of the project is to improve the sustainable use of forests and to improve the socio-economic conditions of the local population. Slovenian International Development Cooperation funds the project. Detailed description is defined in attached Terms of Reference.

Interested companies or individuals must demonstrate their capacity in architectural design, graphic design and construction planning with a focus on sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Proposals should include the company references as well as CVs of key staff reflecting their experience and qualifications in architecture, construction, design and communication. Proposals should also present a preliminary design concept, including sketches, and material specifications.

travel cost, and any additional expenses needed for the development of the design.


The BIDDER must specify a sub-contractor and the details of all the sub-contracts it proposes to enter into with each of the sub-contractor. The sub-contractor(s) are expected to meet the same standards and quality of work as those required from the BIDDER. The tender participant shall be held responsible for all aspects of work carried out by the sub-contractor(s). The CLIENT has the right to accept or reject any or all sub-contractors, and this acceptance of any sub-contractors shall not relieve the BIDDER of the responsibilities.


The proposed prices shall be provided in GEL, the price shall include all costs related to service provision, taxes envisaged by Georgian Legislation. The Tender participant shall provide price rates as per RFP form.

The Payment Term: the payment for the actually performed services shall made based on Invoice and Act of Acceptance, that shall be submitted by the end of each calendar month. The payment shall be made within 10 banking days against the mutually signed Act of Acceptance and relevant invoice.


During evaluation process the Tender Committee shall evaluate:

  • Company Profile and Experience, experience of similar works;
  • Qualification and Experience of the assigned Staff;
  • Completion and compliance of the Tender Proposal;
  • Price Proposal
  • Design creativity, compatible with the natural environment (20%)

After the initial revision and evaluation of the proposals, the CLIENT may conduct additional communication with BIDDERS for further clarifications.


In the event the CLIENT is required to issue notifications of changes or corrections to the tender package, such addendums shall be emailed. Each addendum shall contain a notification which requires the BIDDER to sign and include each addendum with the BID. It is mandatory that the CLIENT receives confirmation (email) that the Tender Participant has indeed received the addendum. Failure to comply with the instructions on an addendum may result in rejection of the BID.


All documents completed based on requirements of the present Tender shall be the property of the CLIENT, and shall not without the consent of the CLIENT be used, reproduced or made available to third parties beyond what is necessary in respect of the fulfilment of the Project

All documents issued and information given to the BIDDER shall be treated as confidential and both the Participant and its Subcontractors are responsible for this confidentiality.

Processing of personal data related to this tender procedure by the CLIENT takes place in accordance with the national legislation. Transfer of personal data (such as names, contact details and CVs) to the CLIENT, they will be processed solely for the purposes of the monitoring of the procurement procedure and of the implementation of the contract by the CLIENT.


The Tender participant shall provide additional information and below listed documentation upon additional demand:

  • Up to date Extract from the registry;
  • Full banking details;
  • The organization shall not have financial arrears toward the state budget and
  • The organization shall not be in reorganization and liquidation process;
  • in case of any court cases Official Statement concerning legal proceedings within the last 3-year period. In case of any court cases the Tender participant shall provide additional information;
  • Official Letter from the Bank stating concerning bankruptcy or insolvency (valid)
  • Partner List;
  • Reference letters.

The BID submission deadline is: June 6, 2024 by 18:00 (Tbilisi Time)
The Tender Proposal shall be submitted to the following mail: procurement@wwfcaucasus.org

Contact Information:
+995 555 00 49 49

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 71300000 საინჟინრო მომსახურებები
  • 79400000 ბიზნესსა და მენეჯმენტთან დაკავშირებული კონსულტაციები და მომსახურებები