ჩაბარების ვადა:

16 დეკემბერი 2019, 15:00



T6289 - Selection of a local IT company for upgrading Georgia’s electronic system for perinatal health information management (Birth Registry)

Tender Description:

UNICEF Request for Proposal LRPS-2019-9154714 - Selection of a local IT company forupgrading Georgia’s electronic system for perinatal health information management (Birth Registry).

Instructions to proposers:

Proposers must provide the Technical Proposal and the corresponding Price Proposal in SEPARATE CLOSED ENVELOPES with the reference to this Request for Proposal number: LRPS-2019-9154714.

Proposal must consist of:

  • Completed, signed and stamped Request for Proposal for Services Form. Please note the term of validity must be correctly indicated. The Proposal offering less than 120 days of validity shall be INVALID.
  • Technical Proposal. Technical Proposal: The Technical Proposal should address the criteria and requirements outlined in this RFPS, paying particular attention to its Terms of Reference and its evaluation criteria. It is important to note that UNICEF actively welcomes innovative proposals and original solutions to the stated service need.  NO PRICE INFORMATION SHOULD BE CONTAINED IN THE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. The list of documents comprising the Technical Proposal is listed below.
  • Price Proposals prepared in accordance with the requirements contained in the Terms of Reference for this RFPs in GEL and placed in a separate sealed envelope.

A) Proposal Response Format  

  • Marking and Submitting Proposals: Proposals should be submitted no later than Monday 16 December 2019 by 15:00 in original hard copies duly signed and dated. An electronic version on CD must also be included. Proposers must submit a sealed proposal, ensuring separate envelopes for the Technical Proposal and the Price Proposal. Prices or rates shall not appear in any other part of the proposal.
  • SEALED PROPOSALS must be securely closed in the Proposal Envelope, clearly MARKED on the outside with the PROPOSAL NUMBER: “RFPS-9154714 “ and placed in the locked UNICEF Tender Box located at the Ground Floor of UN House, 9 Eristavi Street, Vake, Tbilisi 0179, Georgia NO LATER THAN the CLOSING TIME AND DATE stated above. 
  • The Proposal Envelope must contain two separate sealed envelopes, one containing the Technical Proposal and one containing the Price Proposal.
  • In the sealed envelope named ''RFPS-9154714-Technical Proposal" the Proposer must submit the following:
    1. Completed, signed and stamped Request for Proposal for Services Form
    2. Narrative description of the applicant’s experience and capacity
    3. Relevant references. UNICEF may contact reference persons for feedback on services provided by the company
    4. Links to samples of previous relevant work listed as reference of the applicant (at least three), on which the proposed key personnel directly and actively contributed or authored
    5. Detailed timetable by activity (it must be consistent with the general work plan and the financial proposal)
    6. Description of the technologies to be used in the process of modification of the GBR.
  • In the sealed envelope named “RFPS-9154714-Price Proposal" the Proposer must submit the following:
    1. Cover letter;
    2. Proposed budget with indication of proposed fees in GEL.
  • Proposals must be signed/stamped by an authorized representative of the proposer's company.
  • Proposals submitted otherwise (by e-mail, fax, in an opened envelope, with technical and price proposals together in one envelope) or WITHOUT a completed, signed and stamped Request for Proposal for Services Form will be INVALIDATED.
  • UNICEF will accept no responsibility for the premature opening of a Proposal which is in the not properly identified envelope. 

B) Questions from Proposers.
Proposers are required to submit any questions in respect of this RFPS by EMAIL (subjected by this RFPS number) to Tako Ugulava at tugulava@unicef.org or Nani Zeinklishvili at nzeinklishvili@unicef.org. The deadline for receipt of any questions is COB of Thursday 12.12.19.


C) Proposal Opening
Only envelopes containing Technical Proposals will be publicly opened solely to record names of the Proposers starting at 15:00 on Monday 16.12.19 in UNICEF Conference Room, IV Floor of UN House, 9 Eristavi Street, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia. One representative from each bidding company may attend the opening.

ტენდერის კატეგორია:

  • 48600000 მონაცემთა ბაზისა და ოპერაციული პროგრამული პაკეტები
  • 72200000 პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფის შემუშავება და საკონსულტაციო მომსახურებები