20 აპრილი 2021, 17:00
დასრულებულიT9178 - Selecting An International University For Technical Support On Inclusive Systems
Tender Description:
UNICEF wishes to invite you to submit a proposal for Selecting An International University For Technical Support On Inclusive Systems
Due to the nature of the tender as well as COVID-19 pandemic situation, for the subject tender, exceptionally, electronic submission of the proposals will be accepted.
Bidders are requested to send electronic copy of their proposals by email as pdf documents to (GEO-ML-Procurement@unicef.org) in two (2) separate emails with the tender reference in their email subjects:
- one email for technical proposals
- one email for financial proposals
Financial proposals shall be secured by a password and the password will only be used when an offer is evaluated technically acceptable and therefore eligible for opening of the financial proposals. All other provisions of the tender are still valid.
The Proposals MUST be received at the above email address by latest 20 April 2021 at or before 17:00hrs (Tbilisi Time). Due to the nature of this RFPS, there will be no public opening of proposals. Proposals received after the stipulated date and time will be invalidated.
An online pre-bid meeting will be held on 16 April at 14:00 p.m. (Tbilisi time) via Skype/Zoom Meeting for interested bidders. Please confirm your participation to the pre-bid meeting by sending email to GEO-ML-Procurement@unicef.org
Please refer to SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS part for more details on the submission of proposals. It is important that you read all the provisions of this RFP, to ensure that you understand UNICEF's requirements and can submit a proposal in compliance with them. Note that failure to provide compliant proposals may result in invalidation of your proposal.
All requests for formal clarification or queries on this RFP must be submitted via e-mail (the latest till 15 April 2021, 10:00 a.m.) to Elene Karseladze (ekarseladze@unicef.org) with Maya Kuparadze (mkuparadze@unicef.org) and GEO-ML-Procurement@unicef.org in copy (cc).
Please make sure that the e-mail mentions the RFP reference number. Only written inquiries will be entertained. Please be informed that if the question is of common interest, the answer will be shared with all potential RFP bidders.
Please note that this tender is open for institutional consultancy companies/institutions which are legally registered in Norway or ones that have legal presence in Norway. Please note that companies/institutions that do not have legal presence in Norway will be disqualified.
ტენდერის კატეგორია:
- 80100000 მომსახურებები დაწყებითი განათლების სფეროში
- 80200000 მომსახურებები საშუალო განათლების სფეროში
- 80300000 მომსახურებები უმაღლესი განათლების სფეროში
- 80500000 სატრენინგო მომსახურებები